International Day of Yoga
In today's world, it is important to handle the stressful situation of everyday life. If you say that you exercise daily, it only means that you do something for your physical health, what about your mental health? You must know that mental health is more important than anything else. Only when you are happy from inside everything in your life will go the way you want. So to improve mental health it is important to practice Yoga.
Yoga is a type of exercise that is practised for the physical, mental and spiritual health of one's being. It originated in ancient India and it is still practised in India and different parts of the world. When you see Yoga in a religious aspect, then you must know that there is a wide variety of yoga practices, traditions, and goals present in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism religions.
The word Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means to unite or to join. The International Yoga day is celebrated on June 21 since 2015. This day was declared by the UN when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave an impactful speech regarding yoga and the benefits of practising it on the UN general assembly. And this was supported by more than 170 countries and hence June 21 got declared as International Yoga Day.
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This date was also suggested by Indian Prime minister on his UN address because June 21 is the longest day of the year particularly in the Northern hemisphere and it also shares a special significance in many parts of the world.

The most fascinating thing to be noted is how the first Yoga day was celebrated in India. On June 21, 2015, the ministry of Ayush in India made arrangements for a world record for conducting the world's largest yoga class where 35, 985 people including the Indian Prime minister himself and people with 84 different nationalities participated.
This session created two Guinness world records, one was the first largest Yoga class to be held, and the second record was given because this Yoga class included the largest number of nationalities from 84 countries.
Why International Yoga day is celebrated?
The International Yoga day is celebrated to create awareness among people about the benefits yoga offers. Yoga gives you peace, calmness, courage, confidence to the people, so they can do several activities in a better way. Also, you must know that Yoga is practised in different forms all around the world.
Let’s learn a little about the history of Yoga. Yoga has been practised in India since the pre-Vedic times and it has been practised by Indians from that time. Yoga was a part of the Indian lifestyle, culture, and civilizations in those days. It has the properties of both spiritual uplift and physical elements of humanity. To put this in simple words, Yoga is an ideal combination of Karma, devotion, and Knowledge.
Objectives of International Day of Yoga:
To make people aware about Yoga and its major benefits and help people connect with nature. To reduce the rate of diseases in the world. Yoga spread a good amount of growth, development, and peace throughout the world. Providing solutions through Yoga for both physical and mental illnesses.
Some of the benefits of practising Yoga are
Yoga helps you keep both your mind and body healthy. If you get to practice Yoga regularly, you will be able to overcome all your health-related problems. Yoga helps you to generate a peaceful environment. When your lifestyle is changing day by day, the only way to take control of both your mind and body is by practising Yoga.
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Wrapping Up:
So this is all about the International Yoga day and why it is celebrated. Yoga greatly helps in reducing mental stress and other health challenging diseases all over the world. If you practice yoga daily you will notice the changes and enjoy the benefits of practising it. Yoga greatly helps in sustainable health development.

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