Easter is about to arrive and, so is the Good Friday. Just like the Christmas, Easter is the second biggest occasion over served by every Christian. Christian community across the globe involved in the traditional way of celebration on the Good Friday.
In case you are not aware then that very day when Jesus crucified was the good Friday. Good Friday marks its importance in historical and religious context. The day was an important decisive moment as it divides the world into parts. People are either his follower or his hater. Here are some more related facts about this day which you love to know. Download Good Friday Images, Photos and Wallpapers.
All About Good Friday
Christian community considers Good Friday as a black day because of Jesus brutal murder. We know Good Friday through many names like Black Friday, Easter Friday, Holy Friday, and Great Friday. There is no particular date on which Good Friday falls as the date keeps on changing every year.
Owning to the disagreement between the Western Christianity and Gregorian calendar, it has no confirm a date for its observance. Usually, any of the three months February, March, and April witness its observance. Moreover, Good Friday falls on the Friday before the Easter Sunday that is three days before Easter. History Behind Good Friday To know what reasons account for the killing of Jesus let’s peek into this day history. The prominent person behind the killing Jesus was none other than his disciple. It was Judas Iscariot who was responsible for informing temple guard about Jesus Christ exact location.
Moreover, the temple charged him with involvement in the irreligious act. When he arrested for the first time, he got released by the Pontius Pilate, the governor of Rome.
However, initially the temple head sentenced him to death but, this judgment challenged and went in front of some more Kings. Eventually, The Pontius Pilate did not find him guilty and ordered to release him. 
On the second time, the temple charged him of claiming himself as the God’s son. Accusing him of this act, the powerful temple chief, pressurized the Pontius Pilate to sentence his death. Pontius Pilate gives in to this outside pressure and orders his crucifixion.
It was indeed a brutal process after which he hanged to the cross. There was complete darkness prevailing at the time Jesus crucified. After his death, a few of his follower got his body with the permission of the Pontius Pilate. How Good Friday is Celebrated? The observance of Good Friday took place in almost every part of the world. This day marked an official holiday in many nations like the USA, European continent, and most of Asia. The different nation has a different way of its observance.
For instance, there is no alcohol selling takes place in Ireland and South Africa. Meanwhile, in Germany, there is ban over public dancing, horse racing, and theatre performances as well. What do People do on Good Friday? Those nations where its observance occurs especially the Catholic nation, have a public holiday on this day. The educational institutions and working organization be it government or private remain closed on this day. The main celebration starts from the afternoon. People go to church for meditation and prayer. There is a tradition among Catholic Christians to cook and eat fish on its occasion. 50 HD Wallpapers For Good Friday || Good Friday 2020
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