Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!. Christmas is celebrated annually as on this day the Son of God; Jesus Christ was born. It is celebrated on December 25th, in the Georgian Calendar ,among billions of people around the world.
It is Winter in India, also for most countries around the world, and kids know that Holidays are approaching soon, that is, Winter Vacations. Celebrations of Christmasfestival begin on the eve of Christmason 24th of December and continue till New Year's Day.
All the governmental (such as schools, colleges, universities, educational institutions, training centres, offices, etc) and non-governmental organizations are closed at this day. People celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm and lots of preparations and decorations. It is known as the Feast day of Christ and celebrated in the honour of birth of birth of Jesus Christ.
How is Christmascelebrated without the traditional pine tree? In India people don’t have pine trees, instead Banana or Mango trees are decorated. Their homes are decorated just as in Diwali. Churches across India are decorated with poinsettia flowers of the midnight mass. Kids singing Christmascarol, make delicious cake, and decorated trees and house.
They start to celebrate this day a week before Christmas. On the other hand, adults meet up with their Christian friends, and join them for celebrating this auspicious day. As a part of celebration, people exchange gifts on this auspicious day and donate of money to poor people so as to bring happiness in their lives.

They start to celebrate this day a week before Christmas. On the other hand, adults meet up with their Christian friends, and join them for celebrating this auspicious day. As a part of celebration, people exchange gifts on this auspicious day and donate of money to poor people so as to bring happiness in their lives.

When you think of Christmas, the only place comes to mind is Goa, Yes! of course, the most visited city during Christmas eve is Goa. People come from around the world to celebrate Christmas. The hotels, trains, flight etc. are to reserved few months before since there is no chance that you will get any of these facilities 15 days before 25thof December.
People enjoy party and ceremonial programmes, fireworks, which are organized by the local communities to attract tourism.
People enjoy party and ceremonial programmes, fireworks, which are organized by the local communities to attract tourism.
In Christian households, preparations for Christmas begin at least a month in advance. People get their homes coloured and indulge in cleaning of the house to give it a fresh new look. Ladies start preparations for the traditional Christmas cake which is anxiously awaited not just by the entire family but also by the neighbours!! Shopping activity takes place as everyone buys new clothes for the festival. Christmas gifts are also bought for friends, relatives and kids in the family.
People of Christian religion pray to the God. They confess in front of their Jesus Christ about their sins and sufferings. People sing holy songs in the praise of their Lord Jesus. Later they distribute Christmas gifts to their guests and children and poor. On Christmasgreetings or other beautiful Christmascards are given to their friends and relatives. Everyone involve in the great celebration of Christmas feast and eat delicious dinner with family members and friends.
Just as Diwali is to Hindus, Christmas is for Christians, but as we know India enjoys diversified culture. We all join with Christians and celebrate their festival together to spread love and happiness.