The US is living the memories of its brave soldiers on the Memorial Day. There is no doubt how much importance these soldiers hold for their nation. They are the one battling continuous for peace and safety of millions of families. Lets celebrate Memorial Day 2020 together.
To fulfill their promises and their duty they cross any hurdle. In this process, they often lose their life. To remember all such brave souls who fought till the last breath, US observes Memorial Day. Let’s know some more fact about this day and download memorial day images and wallpapers to send wishes and greetings.
To fulfill their promises and their duty they cross any hurdle. In this process, they often lose their life. To remember all such brave souls who fought till the last breath, US observes Memorial Day. Let’s know some more fact about this day and download memorial day images and wallpapers to send wishes and greetings.

All About Memorial Day 2020
Memorial Day or one can call it Decoration Day. This day is to pay tribute to the army men of the USA who died in various battles. Meanwhile, this day falls on the last Monday of May every year. This day is a federal holiday just like Independence Day in the US. Many time people confuse it with Veteran Day. Since both these days associated with the national army.

History of Memorial Day
The history of Memorial Day dates a long time back. The tradition of this nation includes decorating the graves of brave soldiers. This practice was old enough before the broke out of American civil war. But, the official announcement for observing this day took place in 1868. Former US president General John Logan on 5th May 1868 asks people to celebrate this day in memory of soldiers died in the Civil war. Due to his call, 17 states of the US carry out the traditions.

Before the US goes for the two-world war, people honor soldiers died in the Civil war. Later on, people offer their tribute to all the martyrs irrespective of the war they fought. In particular, the war such as World war I and II, Spanish war, along with Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Cuban battel.
Memorial Day became an official holiday since 1971. As in 1968, a bill of national holidays was put forward the US Congress and Memorial Day were one of them. Before 1971, some states observe a day off on this occasion. For instance, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Carolina, Maine, Massachusetts, and Mississippi. The first state to start this process was Maine in 1874.
How is the event Celebrated?
Traditionally many practices take place at this event. Among them, some rituals are more common. They are raising the national flag to half-mast and decorating the graves of soldiers.
In morning event of Memorial Day, lifting the flag to half-mast occurs. It was the method of showing respect to died soldiers who give all for their nation. At first, the national flag was hosted to the top but slowly lowered down to half-mast. It remains in this way until the afternoon. After which it again lifted to the top.

Of course, the musical concerts saluting the spirit of army men organize. It is a noteworthy part of this occasion. Big and small parades are also the spotlight of the day.
What do people do on Memorial day
People go out indeed to visit the cemetery of these soldiers. Decorating the graves of our national heroes was an old ritual that conducts every year. People visit the burial ground of military men for this purpose. They host a small flag on their graves. Adorning the graves with items like flower and garlands is common.

Memorial Weekend 2020 and Memorial Day images 2020

When is Memorial Day Weekend 2020

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Memorial Day Weekend 2020 | When is Memorial Day Weekend?

What Day is Memorial Day 2020 or Memorial Day Weekend?
Download Memorial day Pictures, Wallpapers, Images and Greetings
Eventually, one more interesting ritual is gaining status. This ritual is to wear the red poppies as a way of showing respect. In the other part of the day, people go to watch the ongoing procession. They also enjoy the concert and other ceremonies going nearby places. Since the prior weekend is also off, it gives sufficient time to rest and enjoy.

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